The Local Medical Committee supporting Lincolnshire’s general practices to provide great care.

Performance Matters – The importance of trained chaperones
The LMC is regularly involved in representing and supporting doctors who have been identified as having “performance” issues. The LMC has identified a number of themes which recur, and this regular feature will highlight these, so that our members can avoid these pitfalls. A recent case involved a GP who was reported for potentially inappropriate […]
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GPCE’s vision for general practice – ‘Patients First’ Campaign
The BMA’s “Patients First” campaign focuses on addressing the critical underfunding and workforce challenges in GP practices across England. It calls for urgent investment by 2025/26 to prevent worsening patient access, GP shortages, and declining care standards. The campaign advocates for better funding to safeguard the future of general practice and ensure sustainable, high-quality care. […]
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Events & Training
Lincolnshire's Local Medical Committee organise and host a variety of events and training for all practice staff. Some of our upcoming events are listed below, or why not visit your MyLMC account for a personalised list of events or training suitable for you...
28 February 2025, 12:00 - 12:00Level 5 Operations or Departmental Manager Apprenticeship accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). This course has been tailored to be relevant to general practice, this is a rare opportunity as there are very few courses at this level, specifically tailored to general practice, also it is a very well recognised qualification.
4 March 2025, 11:30 - 13:00MS Teams,During this session, learners will come to understand the need for protocol and etiquette when dealing with service users. The ABC of communication will be explained, along with the importance of listening and telephone skills. Challenging behaviour and conflict resolution will also be discussed to give delegates the confidence they need to deal effectively with patients.
11 March 2025, 09:30 - 14:30Microsoft Teams,A course for members of staff members who are new to the area or role and have not completed Safeguarding Children Level 3 Training before. Or for experienced staff members whose safeguarding training has lapsed.
Discover more
Lincolnshire's Local Medical Committee create a wealth of content to support general practice; from important guidance and interesting podcasts to insightful webinars and in-depth newsletters...

Episode 37: Lincs LMC Committee meeting highlights (NOV 24)
Lincolnshire LMC's Reid Baker (Medical Director), Nick Turner (Practice Support Officer) & Rosa Wyldeman (Operations Officer) discuss the highlights of the LMC committee meeting that took place in November 2024. All committee meeting reports can be found here: LMC Committee Meetings | Lincolnshire LMC If you would like to attend our next committee as […]
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Clinical communication, consent and how to not get sued
A highly interesting bitesize session using real cases as examples to focus on the following topics - Trust and Communication in a clinical context Consent and the relevant information to give a patient Compensation culture, claims, and why people bring claims Candour and apologies A huge thank you to our trainer, Ben Troke, partner at […]
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Practice In Touch, January 2024
- Performance Matters: Self-Prescribing
- GPCE Statement regarding the 24/25 GMS Contract
- Secondary to Primary Care workload shift
- Access to records: ICO Response to DPIAs
- GP end of year forms