
The guidance section holds a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects relating to general practice.

Requests for monitoring in general practice
Requests for monitoring in general practice
Practices contact us regularly reporting that they have been asked to monitor certain patients who have one of a group of conditions that has been diagnosed and at least initially monitored by secondary care. When secondary care requests a GP practice to continue monitoring and the practice declines due to not being commissioned to monitor […]
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Blue Badge requests
Blue Badge requests
24 July 2024
Practices have contacted us advising that they are receiving more requests for information or GP reports for blue badge applications. Lincolnshire County Council website does not specifically say a GP…
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Contraceptive services
Contraceptive services
25 June 2024
Contraceptive services, formerly an Additional Service funded by an identified 2.4% of Global Sum, have been included as an Essential Service under the Primary Medical Services (GMS/PMS) Contract, since 2020. …
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