
Ensuring blood and organ donation decisions are recorded

Since October 2021, patients’ blood and organ donation preferences are no longer being processed through GP practices.

If your practice is using an old patient registration form, it is important not to include questions about blood and organ donation preferences in it. This will avoid the risk of a patient recording preferences on your form that are not registered by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT).

One way to ensure you are up to date in this and other areas is to use the nationally funded Register with a GP surgery online service. It is fast and easy to sign up, and could save you and your patients time and provides access to up-to-date online and paper forms.

If you have not yet signed up to Register with a GP surgery, please ensure you are using the latest version of the Family doctor services registration form (GMS1)

We encourage you to direct your patients to information on the NHSBT website about registering as a blood donor ( or registering a decision on organ donation (

You can contact the NHSBT Organ Donor Register team for more information about recording decisions, and the Register with a GP surgery team for more information about the service.

First Published
10 September 2023
Updated On
10 September 2023
Due to be Reviewed
10 September 2025
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