
Fuller Stocktake

NHSE/I recently published the ‘Fuller Stocktake report’ on the next steps for integrating primary care in England.

General practice’s strength and value lies in its ability to provide good quality care from within communities, offering continuity and reassurance for patients. This report and the accompanying King’s Fund analysis recognise and champion the invaluable part that practices play in the health of their local areas, and why it is so vital that general practice is given a leading role in service redesign.

The report recognises that the significant issues we face around workforce and estates must be addressed to allow us to thrive and effectively support our patients. Separation of urgent demand from more chronic or complex workload to allow more continuity for the vulnerable patients in our communities is suggested. Working collaboratively in neighbourhood teams is discussed as a solution to address the overall health of our population.

Our knowledge of our communities is recognised as the report advises that systems should allow services to be designed to local need based on this expert knowledge.

There is no specific detail as to how it may be implemented or funded and it does not specifically reference the independent contractor model as being a core element of the future.

The report is not a new contract, but an indication of the direction of travel for the future in General Practice and the wider system.


Read the full BMA statement here:

Vital that high quality general practice can thrive amid NHS changes, says BMA in response to Fuller Stocktake - BMA media centre - BMA

First Published
22 June 2022
Updated On
15 August 2023
Due to be Reviewed
31 August 2025
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