
Hints and Tips for Dispensing Contractors-October 2023

Hints and Tips is a quarterly bulletin designed to help our dispensing contractors with their interaction with NHS Prescription Services.

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October 2023 - available online here

What to include in the red separator

To help ensure prescriptions are sorted correctly you must use the red separator when submitting your prescription forms. This is so we can check the items before we confirm your monthly payment.

To help you use the red separator correctly we have created some guidance.

Read the red separator guidance.

How to avoid refer backs

We have recently noticed a rise in items that are being referred back to contractors for the reason code RB2B: ‘The order/endorsement is incomplete. The presentation must be present. This commonly occurs with handwritten prescriptions.

If you receive a referred back item using this code, please endorse the presentation (pharmaceutical form) that was dispensed. If you are dispensing a Drug Tariff item, then please endorse the item as it is listed in the Drug Tariff.

Read the guidance on how to avoid refer backs.

Water for injections - endorsement and reimbursement

Where this product has been prescribed generically, an endorsement of either brand or manufacturer is required in order to ensure prompt reimbursement; unendorsed submissions will be referred back.

There is now a 10 pack of the Viaflo brand on dm+d with a list price, therefore an endorsement of invoice price and pack size is no longer required for Viaflo.

Use of Pooled List Numbers

There has been some uncertainty in the past with the usage of GPs Doctors Index Number (DIN) and Practice’s Pooled List Number.

The only valid number which should appear on an FP10 (green prescription) or FP34D/PD high volume vaccine claim form is the GPs DIN. Please note that other recognised prescribers such as Pharmacists, Nurse Prescribers and other clinical staff permitted to prescribe will have their own unique prescribing codes.

A Pooled List Number purely associates a patient with the practice that they are registered at and does not support any form of medication issue.

Prescriptions sent electronically will automatically send the relevant prescribing code with each request.

Doctors Index Numbers

Every doctor is issued with their own unique Doctors Index Number (DIN), issued to the GP when they qualify and are set out in a letter from NHS England.

When a doctor joins, the practice can apply to have the doctor’s DIN linked to the practice. Both Partners and Salaried GPs can have their DIN’s associated with the practice.

We have created some further guidance on DINs and why they are created.

Read more about DINs.

Patients could save with the HRT PPC

Patients can get help with their prescription costs through the Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC).

For the price of £19.30, the HRT PPC covers an unlimited number of listed HRT medicines, including patches, tablets and gels, for 12 months.

Help make your patients aware that they could save money buying an HRT PPC.

Campaign to help people save money on prescriptions

NHS England have launched a new campaign this month to promote prescription saving services.

People could be entitled to free NHS prescriptions, depending on their circumstances. Or they could save money with a Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) if they pay for more than three items in three months or 11 items in 12 months.

Support the campaign and remind your patients about these services, particularly those living with long-term health conditions and people living in deprived areas, where data shows people typically receive more prescription items, than those living in less deprived areas.

First Published
6 November 2023
Updated On
18 July 2024
Due to be Reviewed
1 October 2024
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