
Managing Requests For Private Services During Times Of Pressure

Managing Requests For Private Services During Times Of Pressure

If a practice chooses to continue providing non-NHS services, the time frame for providing these reports can be extended to allow NHS clinical work to be prioritised.  The extended time to prepare reports should be informed to the patient so that they can seek alternative provision if they require a timelier response.

Practices are experiencing prolonged excessive workload pressures whilst also facing workforce shortages.  Practices should thus prioritise NHS clinical work.  Practices can choose to cease providing private services to support this NHS clinical work.

If your practice chooses to restrict your private activities, you should inform your patient participation group and advertise this decision on your website.

Private services which can be ceased include:

  • Non-NHS report writing
  • Reports for insurance companies
  • School fees and holiday insurance certificates
  • Health club fitness report
  • Bus pass or blue badge medical reports
  • Firearms reports

DWP reports and provision of Med 3 fit notes should continue as these are included in the GMS contract

First Published
8 October 2021
Updated On
15 August 2023
Due to be Reviewed
17 May 2025
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