
PharmRefer to Pharmacy First for SystmOne and EMIS Web Patient Access Connect App

PharmRefer for SystmOne and EMIS Web Patient Access Connect App

Please see below links to training videos and information for referral by General Practice to the Community Pharmacy (Pharmacy First).

SystmOne – PharmRefer

Video Link (4 Mins)

Information Link (single page)

EMIS Web – Patient Access Connect App

Video Link (4 Mins)

Information Link (single page)

EMIS Patient Access Connect Guide Link

The foremost reason from a GP perspective is the use of the triage tool, that is integral to both systems, has resulted in no referrals back to GPs from pharmacies according to the evidence.

Lincolnshire ICB have recently agreed NHS England funding which will make referral easier for GP practices (both EMIS & TTP) using EMIS web-based software.

Source for data re: use of triage tool and referrals back to GPs being zero on our futures platform (account required) one-hour long training video here.


Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire -

First Published
19 April 2022
Updated On
3 March 2024
Due to be Reviewed
31 March 2026
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