
Practice Support Network: A CQC focus on being CARING and RESPONSIVE

Practice Support Network: Agilio TeamNet - Part 3: HR Compliance

Join us for an informative and interactive workshop led by Lincolnshire LMC's Practice Support Officer, Nick Turner, as we again delve into the intricacies of CQC compliance. This event is tailored to provide practical insights into two main themes: Is your Practice "Caring" and "Responsive".


  • CQC Mythbusters: Dispelling common myths and misconceptions related to the caring aspect of CQC compliance.
  • CQC Direct Feedback: Understanding and leveraging direct feedback from CQC to improve the caring aspects of your practice.
  • GP Patient Survey: Analysing and interpreting GP Patient Survey results for actionable insights to enhance patient care experiences.
  • Involvement in Decisions About Care: Promoting patient involvement in decision-making processes related to their care.
  • Caring Services: Implementing and maintaining caring services that align with CQC standards and exceed patient expectations.
  • Privacy and Dignity: Ensuring patient privacy and dignity are prioritised in all aspects of care delivery.


  • CQC Mythbusters: Further myth-busting, with a focus on aspects related to the responsive aspect of CQC compliance.
  • Responding to & Meeting People’s Needs: Strategies for effectively responding to and meeting the diverse needs of your patient population.
  • Timely Access to the Service: Ensuring prompt and efficient access to healthcare services, aligning with CQC standards for responsiveness.
  • Listening & Learning from Concerns/Complaints: Developing a culture of active listening and continuous improvement by addressing concerns and complaints constructively.

This session is aimed at:

  • Practice Managers
  • GPs
  • Nurses
  • Administrative Staff
  • Anyone involved in the delivery of patient care


First Published
26 March 2024
Updated On
16 May 2024
Due to be Reviewed
3 August 2024
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