
Practice Support Network: Preparing to be SAFE in CQC Terms (Part 2)

Practice Support Network: Preparing to be SAFE in CQC Terms (Part 2)

Part 2 of 2 webinars, delivered by Lincolnshire LMC's Practice Support Officer, Nick Turner, that delve into crucial subjects that the CQC considers when assessing the question, "Is the service SAFE?"

Part 2 covers:

  • Risk to Patients: Insights into identifying and managing risks, proactively enhancing patient safety.
  • Information for Safe Care and Treatment: Recognising the importance of accurate and timely information in providing safe and effective care.
  • Safe and Appropriate Medication Use / Medicines Management Team (MMT): Best practices for medication management, including storage, prescribing, and dispensing for patient safety.
  • Dispensing Practices ONLY: Addressing unique challenges and best practices in medication dispensing within your practice.
  • Track Record on Safety / Safety Alerts: Emphasising the significance of tracking safety incidents and implementing alert systems for continuous improvement in patient care.
First Published
25 January 2024
Updated On
25 January 2024
Due to be Reviewed
3 August 2024
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