
Updated primary care antimicrobial prescribing guidelines

Updated primary care antimicrobial prescribing guidelines

Attached is a copy of the updated primary care antimicrobial prescribing guidelines.

These are based on the NICE antimicrobial prescribing guidance for the management of common infections and has been adapted for use in Lincolnshire taking into account local guidance and resistance patterns.

As agreed at previous PACEF and ULHT DTC meetings the review of the clinical content has been led by ULHT based consultant microbiologists and the ULHT Antimicrobial Pharmacy Service and the clinical content has been approved by the ULHT hosted Antimicrobial Stewardship Strategy Group at meetings held on 18th January and 8th February and the Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Lincolnshire Meeting held on 2nd February.

Changes from previous guideline

  • Recommendations have been updated to reflect new content of relevant NICE guidelines.
  • The guideline now contains links to both BNF’s and the MicroGuide.
  • There is also a table of contents to make it easier to navigate the guidance.
  • The template has been changed to make it easier to read information with two main columns the first containing main key points to aid the management of the condition and the second column to contain details of medicine doses and duration of treatment courses.
  • Throughout the document there are links to NICE guidance, resources on CKS


MicroGuide | Community Antimicrobial Guides:  Community Antimicrobial Guides (

This MicroGuide is updated regularly and can be accessed through desktop or the MicroGuide smartphone app.

First Published
11 February 2022
Updated On
15 August 2023
Due to be Reviewed
29 April 2025
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