12/03/2024 – Safeguarding Children Level 3 Training (ARCHIVED)

Enhance your knowledge and skills to identify, risk assess, record and share concerns relating to vulnerable children and their families.

This course is for members of staff members who are new to the area or role and have not completed Safeguarding Children Level 3 Training before.



By end of the course candidates will be able to identify:

  • GP’s Role
  • Consent and information sharing
  • Situations, signs and symptoms of potential abuse
  • How to refer a safeguarding concern
  • Discussion of SCRs and CDOP
  • Current national and local policies, guidance and practice (and how to access it)
  • Fabricated and induced illness
  • Domestic violence
  • Forced marriage/honour based violence
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Prevent
  • Concealed pregnancy
  • LSCB pre-birth protocol
  • Risk factors linked to parenting capacity
  • Child sexual exploitation
  • LSCB escalation policy



This is a live virtual course delivered via Microsoft Teams. To participate you will need individual access to a computer or smart device with a screen large enough to see the resources and with a camera and microphone. Please ensure you have access to this equipment before booking.

This training will be delivered by Lincolnshire ICB Safeguarding Team



Once you have reserved your place, you will receive an invoice via email. Your place will be confirmed once payment has been made.

If you are employed by a Lincolnshire General Practice you will receive a 50% discount on your invoice, this is funded by Lincolnshire LMC.


Event Info

12 March 2024
09:30 - 14:30
Microsoft Teams
Suitable For
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Care Co-ordinator
Clinical Practitioner
GP Locum
GP Partner
GP Registrar
GP Salaried
Health Care Assistant
Nurse Practitioner
Paramedic Practitioner
Practice Administrator
Practice Manager
Practice Nurse
Practice Pharmacist
Registred Nursing Associate

Main Contact

Call 01522 576 659
If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know


  • Training is often funded or subsidised by the Lincolnshire LMC, if you need to cancel the place, you can do so online up to 7 days before the event date after that time please contact the Lincolnshire LMC on 01522 576 659.
  • If you fail to cancel your place within a reasonable time then you/ your employer may be invoiced for the cost of the place.
  • We ask that prior to booking, attendees check their calendars to make sure they are not on leave or have other commitments. We also ask that attendees give as much notice as possible when cancelling, so that the place can be used by someone else.

Please Note: Where external training providers are used, the LMC is required to submit attendee names 7 days before the courses commence. To view the LMC Privacy Policy please go to https://www.lincslmc.co.uk/privacynotice

By booking and accepting a place on this course, you are agreeing to these terms